Genre: Poems
Switching to Linux was soo easy....
Btw, switching to Arch is crazy..
Yo Yooooo.
'CLI' was massive.
I felt Soo aggressive.
Never had soo tension..
Switching to win wasn't my intention
I felt the pain..
Ended up with no gain.
I felt Soo lately..
Finally, entered 'GUI' greatly.
I pressed enter & go.
GUI was nice tho!
Ever since I started using.
The peace was missing.
I switched to arch.
Took January to march.
I stopped distro hoping.
Now just being De Hoppp..
I wasn't wasting my time.
It seems like a crime?
Yo yoooooo.
Let them go bad.
Arch wiki cares if you're sad.
Don't be serious.
Be curious,
Go dark.
Use arch ;)